Pax Romana Dark Web Market Script



Pax Romana seems like a new marketplace (based on the no. of available products). Yet, not one lacking in experience (based on all the available security features). The interface has been kept simple & traditional, without trying to re-invent the wheel.


Pax Romana Dark Web Market Script

Pax Romana Overview

Pax Romana seems like a new marketplace (based on the no. of available products). Yet, not one lacking in experience (based on all the available security features). The interface has been kept simple & traditional, without trying to re-invent the wheel.

Infact, it also seems to be selling a couple products “not” very common even for DNMs. Here’s an overview of the marketplace in its entirety before you proceed with this Pax Romana review:

  • 2 of 3 multisig: Yes.
  • Escrow: Yes.
  • PGP/2-FA: Yes.
  • Wallet-less deposits: No.
  • it accepts not just Bitcoin (BTC), but also:
    • Monero (XMR)
    • Litecoin (LTC).
  • Support: Yes, via tickets.
    As for the “Display currency”, this is the currency which is used to display the price of an item/service. On Pax Romana, users can manually choose the currency they’re the most comfortable with. 

    Here’s a list of all the available options:



    Does Pax Romana allow Finalize-Early?

    Yes, it does.

    Finalize-Early (F.E) is only available for reputed vendors. The marketplace also very recently added a new feature called “Auto-withdrawal”. What this basically means is, for the F.E orders vendors get their funds instantly as soon as an order is shipped.

    This reduces the risk of the vendor losing his/her money, or the marketplace running away with it.

    However do not that it’s not available for non-F.E orders.

  • Is Pax Romana Secure?

    We’ve always broken down a Darknet Market’s security in two distinct parts:

    • Account security.
    • Trade-security.

    What are the account security features?

    So the Account Security covers all the features which protect an account from getting hacked.

    Pax Romana for starters offer 2-FA, which can be enabled via PGP. The standard and most common security measure in existence for DNM accounts.

    Then, it allows users to set a 6-character, alphanumerical withdrawal PIN during registration. This PIN is required on the withdrawal page when you initiate a withdrawal request. It makes sure, in case your password and PGP both are compromised and someone gains access to your account, your funds still remain safe.

    The hacker/third-party can’t reset your PIN even with the Password+ 2FA if they don’t have the current PIN. Or atleast the Mnemonic code.

    The Mnemonic code, as is probably already known to you is auto-generated just after registration. It’s a random string of letters and numbers. This is like the “Master-password” for your account.

    It’s used for recovering lost accounts/forgotten passwords, as well as in case you forget your PIN.

    What are the trade-Security features?

    In this section, we cover those security measures which protect a “trade”. In other words, the protection measures which prevent either party (The buyer/seller) from getting scammed.

    Pax Romana is one of those very few marketplaces which offers 2 of 3 multisig-transactions. This is an advanced level of transaction-framework so to say, which requires the approval of atleast 2 out of 3 parties for a transaction to go through.

    In other words, neither the marketplace nor the vendor/buyer can scam any other party without help from atleast one other party.

    The regular Escrow too is available. However, the marketplace has shared that this will soon be decommissioned. So only the more secure 2 of 3 multisig transactions will remain.

    All in all, the modern security features all do seem to exist with Pax Romana.

Author: hireaonion

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